Tips for Evaluating Your Outsourcing Partner

Tips for Evaluating Your Outsourcing Partner and Ensuring a Fruitful Partnership

Outsourcing has become a common practice for businesses looking to streamline operations, reduce costs, and access specialized skills. However, choosing the right outsourcing partner is crucial for the success of your project. Here are some tips and points to keep in mind when evaluating your outsourcing partner to ensure a fruitful partnership:

Experience and Expertise: Look for a partner with relevant experience in your industry, as this can provide insights and solutions tailored to your needs. Ask about their expertise and capabilities in handling projects similar to yours, ensuring they have the skills and knowledge necessary for success.

Quality of Work: Review samples of their work to assess the quality they deliver. Attention to detail, adherence to deadlines, and overall professionalism are key indicators of their commitment to quality.

Communication: Effective communication is crucial for a successful partnership. Ensure the outsourcing partner has clear and transparent communication channels in place, and inquire about their approach to keeping you updated on the project’s progress.

Cost: While cost is important, consider the overall value the partner can provide in terms of quality, expertise, and efficiency. Ask about their pricing structure and any additional costs or fees to make an informed decision.

Scalability: Ensure that the outsourcing partner has the capacity to scale their services based on your needs. Ask about their approach to handling changes in project requirements or scale to ensure they can accommodate your growth.

Process and Approach: Inquire about their approach to project management to ensure it aligns with your expectations. Ask how they ensure quality control and compliance with standards to deliver a successful project.

Security and Confidentiality: Data security is paramount. Ensure the outsourcing partner has robust security measures in place to protect your data. Inquire about their data protection policies and any security breaches they may have experienced in the past.

References and Case Studies: Ask for references from past clients to get an idea of their reputation and client satisfaction. Inquire about any case studies or success stories related to projects similar to yours to assess their capabilities.

Cultural Fit and Communication: Consider the cultural fit between your organization and the outsourcing partner. Ask how they ensure cultural alignment with clients and how they handle language and communication barriers to ensure smooth collaboration.

Flexibility and Adaptability: Look for a partner who is flexible and adaptable to changing requirements and circumstances. Inquire about their capacity to scale their team if your project grows and how they handle unexpected changes to ensure they can meet your evolving needs.

Considering these tips, you can evaluate your outsourcing partner effectively. Remember, the right outsourcing partner can help you achieve your business goals and drive success for your project.

Outsourcing Reduces costs by 30%

Outsourcing Reduces costs by 30% for Top UPS & Stabilizer Maker in the US

The US-based UPS & Stabilizer manufacturer faced a challenge with outdated manufacturing practices due to improperly maintained mechanical design data. This led to a reliance on manufacturing vendors to provide design updates. Srushty Global was tasked to enhance these processes by converting 2D images into accurate and detailed 3D CAD formats.


The objectives include updating 3D CAD models for all product variants to ensure accuracy and reflect design changes, creating comprehensive engineering and manufacturing drawings with detailed instructions, revising the Bill of Materials (BoM) to accurately list components, and documenting the assembly process to guide the assembly team effectively. These steps are crucial for maintaining product integrity, managing inventory efficiently, and ensuring consistent and accurate assembly of the product variants.

Our Process

Marketing Research & Requirements Analysis

The objective here is to thoroughly understand the customer’s CAD service requirement. The process involves a detailed analysis of provided images, addressing any ambiguities through Request for Information (RFI) exchanges. Weekly client meetings facilitate ongoing collaboration and progress updates. The final phase entails meticulous conversion, aligning the 3D CAD output with clarified requirements for optimal results.

Analyzing Existing problems

Our team carefully checks the initial 2D images for any issues or missing information. We review each batch thoroughly, pinpointing areas that need clarification. We then send clarification requests to the client and incorporate their feedback. Once we have a clear understanding, we proceed to complete the 3D conversions with improved accuracy

CAD modelling

In this phase, designers use specialized software to extrude and manipulate 2D images into three-dimensional digital representations. This process involves adding depth, textures, and dimensions to recreate a lifelike 3D model. Precise measurements and details from the 2D images guide the creation of an accurate and realistic 3D CAD model. The final output is a dynamic digital representation suitable for various applications, from product design to architectural planning

Updating the feasibility of manufacturing

In the process of updating feasibility for manufacturing in the 2D to 3D CAD service, adjustments are made to ensure practical manufacturability. This involves refining designs, addressing material considerations, and optimizing components for production efficiency. Iterative reviews and client feedback play a crucial role in fine-tuning the 3D models to align with manufacturing capabilities. The goal is to enhance the transition from 2D images to 3D CAD, making the final designs both feasible and optimal for manufacturing processes

Quality Check

In the 2D to 3D CAD conversion process, a QC person meticulously examines the files, focusing on adhering to the instructions and markups present in the original drawings. This quality check ensures accuracy and fidelity in translating the 2D images into the desired 3D format, maintaining precision throughout the transformation service

Preparation of Bill of Materials

In the preparation of Bill of Materials (BOM) for the 2D to 3D CAD conversion service, the process involves meticulously listing all components and materials required for the three-dimensional model. This includes specifying quantities, dimensions, and other essential details. By creating a comprehensive BOM, ensures accurate procurement and assembly of necessary resources for the successful transformation of 2D images into 3D CAD models. This step is crucial for streamlined project management and efficient production

Key Challenges & Solution

Upon receiving partially detailed initial files, we systematically reviewed each batch and submitted Request for Information (RFI) files to the client for clarification. Incorporating their feedback, we refined our approach and completed the remaining conversions. Regular weekly meetings were conducted to discuss and update the client on the progress made in the previous week.


The outsourcing engagement had a significant impact on the client’s operations. It led to the standardization of their designs, which helped streamline their manufacturing processes and improve overall product consistency. Additionally, by focusing on Design for Manufacturing (DFM) principles, the client was able to reduce costs by 30%, making their products more competitive in the market. This demonstrates the tangible benefits of outsourcing in enhancing efficiency and reducing production costs.

Collaborative-Success with-Srushty-Global-Solutions

Client Spotlight: BallerTV’s Collaborative Success with Srushty Global Solutions

– Increase in bandwidth to focus on product development
– Lower their running cost
– Improved the design footprint of the product

In the landscape of hardware product development, partnerships that drive innovation and excellence are key to success. BallerTV, a leading sports streaming platform, found such a partnership with Srushty Global Solutions, a renowned engineering firm based in Chennai, India. Their collaboration exemplifies how strategic alliances can elevate projects, delivering exceptional results and lasting impressions.

Srushty developed a live-streaming solution that maintains high streaming quality for 18 hours.

Exceptional Communication and Talent

From the start, BallerTV experienced Srushty’s exceptional communication and talented team.

Clear, concise, and regular updates ensured that both teams were aligned, fostering a seamless working relationship despite the geographical distance. Srushty’s team, known for its expertise in hardware product development, demonstrated their skills at every stage, from conceptualization to execution.

Aaron Hawkey with Marx Arun, VP – Operations at Srushty’s Chennai office

Aaron Hawkey, Co-CEO & Co-founder of BallerTV, personally visited Srushty’s Chennai office. The experience left a profound impression, showcasing Srushty’s commitment and strong team culture. The visit underscored the importance of personal connections in fostering successful partnerships, further solidifying the bond between the two companies.

About the partnership

“Collaborating with Srushty on a hardware project was a rewarding endeavor. Their exceptional communication and talented team made a lasting impression. I personally visited their Chennai office, where their commitment and strong team culture were evident. The founder and CEO, Marutha, has deep knowledge and enthusiasm for mechanical and industrial design, leading with remarkable insight. Srushty’s dedication and expertise ensured our partnership was both productive and positively impactful.” says Aaron Hawkey Co-CEO & Co-founder, BallerTV

The collaboration between BallerTV and Srushty Global Solutions stands as a testament to the value of strategic partnerships in the realm of hardware product development. By leveraging Srushty’s expertise and fostering clear communication, the project achieved its objectives efficiently and effectively.

Outsourcing Excellence

Outsourcing Excellence – Why India Leads in Engineering and R&D Services

India is emerging as the top choice for Engineering and R&D services, according to a report by the Times of India based on research by Zinnov. The country has seen significant growth in both large and medium-sized MNCs establishing their own Captive Engineering and R&D centers, as well as the growth of Outsourced Engineering and R&D centers. This growth includes small, highly focused Outsourced Engineering and R&D centers catering to small and start-up organizations globally, forming a pool of Nano Outsourced Engineering and R&D centers.


Unique Needs of Small and Start-Up Organizations

Small companies have distinct needs, requiring a one-stop-shop for end-to-end product development covering Mechanical, Electrical/Electronics, Firmware, and Software. They need to complement their core technological strength with expertise and experience, sometimes starting with little technological know-how but with a market-potential idea. These companies also require the ability to quickly prototype concepts to validate the market and secure funding for the next stage, and eventually take the engineering design to production with minimal budget and timeline in a global setting. This demands Nano Outsourced Engineering and R&D centers to be flexible, nimble, scalable, and versatile.

Key Factors for Effective Nano Outsourced Engineering and R&D Centers

The effectiveness of Nano Outsourced Engineering and R&D centers depends on their experience in developing end-to-end products, their ability to bring in Global Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) from relevant domains on-demand, frugal engineering practices to do more with less, cost-effective in-house prototyping capabilities, an ecosystem of partners for Industrial Design, Prototyping, Tooling, Manufacturing, and Assembly, managing early-stage low volume production, taking the product to compliance and certification, and providing effective technical support after product launch.

Srushty’s Role in India’s Outsourced Engineering and R&D Services

Srushty is proud to be part of India’s growing space in Outsourced Engineering and R&D Services, focusing on serving and supporting small and start-up organizations as a Nano Outsourced Engineering and R&D center.