Reducing Tinnitus in Dentists: Our Journey to a Breakthrough Engineering Solution

Reducing Tinnitus in Dentists: Our Journey to a Breakthrough Engineering Solution

Tinnitus, commonly known as “ringing in the ears,” is a condition that affects many dentists and dental assistants due to the continuous use of dental tools and drill machines. The symptoms can manifest as various sounds, including blowing, roaring, buzzing, hissing, humming, whistling, or sizzling, significantly impacting their quality of life.

Recognizing the need to address this issue, our team was approached for a project to develop a solution to prevent tinnitus among dental professionals.

Engineering Services Outsourcing

The Initial Approach: Ear Muffs and Development Boards

Our initial design included earmuffs and a development board aimed at reducing noise levels produced during dental procedures and facilitating clear communication between the dentist and the assistant. While this design incorporated a filter section to lower noise levels, it proved to be inefficient.

The Breakthrough: Integrating ANC Technology

In our pursuit of improvement, we integrated ideas and inputs from an Active Noise Cancellation (ANC) solution. This innovation allowed for significantly better noise filtering when incorporated into the previous development board. The difference was substantial, resulting in a remarkable reduction in noise levels. Dentists who tested this updated product reported a significant improvement and provided positive feedback to our investors.

Designing the Next Version

We also tackled the ergonomic design of the earmuffs to ensure comfort during long dental procedures, integrating advanced materials to balance noise reduction with wearability. Each iteration of our product has brought us closer to an optimal solution, and we remain dedicated to addressing any new challenges that arise. With this breakthrough, we are now designing the next version of our product.


Sai Pratheep

Senior Hardware Design Engineer, Srushty Global Solutions

Certified Six Sigma Green Belt Quality Engineer with extensive experience in CNC machining, assembly, fabrication, and special processes such as powder coating and anodizing. Proficient in IATF 16949 and ISO 9001 auditing standards, with proven expertise in establishing and maintaining Quality Management Systems (QMS).

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Financial Benefits of Engineering Services Outsourcing

With the potential to save over $200,000 by outsourcing, companies can reinvest these savings into core activities, innovation, and strategic initiatives, ultimately leading to a stronger market position and sustainable success.

In today’s highly competitive business environment, companies are constantly looking for ways to optimize their operations and reduce costs. One effective strategy that has gained traction is outsourcing, particularly within the engineering sector. A recent analysis reveals that outsourcing can result in substantial cost savings, which is illustrated in the graphic below:

Engineering Services Outsourcing

Cost Savings Through Outsourcing

The graphic highlights a staggering potential savings of $206,712 by outsourcing engineering services compared to maintaining an internal team. This figure is derived from national salary and employment cost averages for a team of three engineers in the United States, as reported by

Breakdown of Cost Components

HR Costs (13.1%)

Human Resources management involves significant expenses related to recruitment, training, benefits administration, and compliance with labor laws. Outsourcing eliminates many of these costs by leveraging the service provider’s existing HR infrastructure.

Engineer Costs (20.5%)

Salaries and benefits for engineers constitute a major portion of the budget. Outsourcing can reduce these costs by accessing skilled engineers from regions with lower wage rates, without compromising on quality.

Manager Costs (26.2%)

Managing an in-house engineering team requires experienced managers, adding to the overall costs. Outsourcing shifts this responsibility to the service provider, who can offer managerial expertise as part of their service package.

Real Estate and Maintenance Costs (18%)

Maintaining office space and related infrastructure incurs significant expenses. Outsourcing reduces the need for physical office space and the associated maintenance costs, as much of the work can be conducted remotely

Tools Costs (22.1%)

Engineering projects often require specialized tools and software, which can be costly to purchase and maintain. Outsourcing allows companies to benefit from the service provider’s existing tools and technology, spreading these costs over multiple clients.

Comprehensive Support Under One Roof

Outsourcing helps in significant cost reduction by bringing it all under one roof. This approach saves costs and also minimizes risks and reduces project timelines. By partnering with an outsourcing provider, companies gain access to a pool of experts who bring innovative ideas and solutions to the table, enhancing the overall efficiency and effectiveness of engineering projects.

Engineering services outsourcing presents a compelling opportunity for companies to achieve significant cost savings while maintaining high standards of quality and efficiency. By understanding and leveraging the various cost components, businesses can make informed decisions that drive growth and competitiveness in the engineering space.


Arun Kumar V

Senior Engineer - QA/QC, Srushty Global Solutions

Certified Six Sigma Green Belt Quality Engineer with extensive experience in CNC machining, assembly, fabrication, and special processes such as powder coating and anodizing. Proficient in IATF 16949 and ISO 9001 auditing standards, with proven expertise in establishing and maintaining Quality Management Systems (QMS).


Exploring the Unique Roles of Industrial Design Vs Product Design

Industrial Design vs Product Design :

In the world of design, the terms “industrial design” and “product design” often get used interchangeably, blurring their distinctions. However, a closer examination reveals nuanced differences that can significantly impact how we perceive and execute the design processes.

What is Industrial Design?

Industrial design involves the aesthetic and functional aspects of mass-produced items. Industrial design is a bit broader. It covers the design of anything and everything that can be mass-produced. This could be products, packaging, furniture, or vehicles. It’s a balance of art & feasibility, aiming to enhance the user experience as well as the product’s market appeal. It is one of the crucial steps in hardware product development.

Industrial designers craft the appearance, ergonomics, and usability of objects, prioritizing seamless integration into users’ lives.

Industrial design is focused on optimizing manufacturing processes, using effective materials and reducing cost. Born in the era of industrial revolution it now spans various industries, from consumer electronics to furniture, automobiles to household appliances.

What is Product Design?

Product design is a branch of Industrial design. Product design focuses on both physical and digital products and its experiences. It involves understanding user behaviors, market dynamics, and social trends to create products that resonate on a deeper level. Product designers often collaborate with multidisciplinary teams, including engineers, marketers, and psychologists, to realize comprehensive design visions.

Same, same but different?

Industrial designers infuse products with aesthetic appeal and ergonomic efficiency, while product designers infuse them with narrative coherence and emotional value.

Both disciplines are increasingly influenced by technological advancements and sustainability. From 3D printing and IoT integration to eco-friendly materials and circular design principles, designers are embracing innovation to address evolving social needs and environmental concerns.


Still confused?

Industrial design encompasses a variety of design streams such as visual design, product design, automotive design, and space and environmental design. When you choose to focus on a specific stream like product design, you become a product designer. This can involve creating tangible or digital products, and UI/UX design is a subset of this field.

The rise of the IT sector and corporate usage of the term “product designer” for UI/UX roles has led to the misconception that product design is limited to UI/UX. However, all industrial designers understand the product design process, but only product designers specialize deeply in it.

Let’s end this war:

In conclusion, both industrial design and product design offer rich insights into the multifaceted nature of the creative endeavor. While each discipline brings its unique perspective and methodologies to the table, their convergence herald’s boundless opportunities for synergy and growth.

As designers, let’s embrace this diversity, transcending boundaries to solve problems that inspire and enrich human experience. Whether we’re sculpting tangible toys or orchestrating intangible interactions, let’s make a design with purpose, passion and empathy. After all, design is design and it can evolve in many forms in future as well.


Shibi Kabilan

Lead Industrial Designer, Srushty Global Solutions

A seasoned Lead Industrial Designer with extensive experience in creating innovative, user-centered products, committed to blending functionality, aesthetics, and sustainability in design. By collaborating with engineers and other stakeholders, I bridge the gap between design vision and manufacturability.

Exploring LoRa Technology

Exploring LoRa Technology and Its Applications

Picture a world where connectivity knows no limits, where data flows effortlessly across vast distances, free from the constraints of traditional wireless technologies. That’s the promise of LoRa – a game-changing innovation in wireless communication that’s reshaping the landscape of IoT solutions.

Practical challenges with LoRa:

We wanted to build an effective device that taps LoRa’s data-transferring ability, and with this ambitious goal we started the project. Inspired by its potential to enable seamless data transfer across distances of up to 5 kilometres without relying on traditional Wi-Fi infrastructure, we set out to turn theory into reality.

However, as with any pioneering venture, we encountered challenges. Initial tests didn’t quite meet our expectations, revealing that achieving optimal performance required more than simply plugging in sensors and hoping for the best. It demanded thorough analysis, hardware adjustments, and countless iterations to fine-tune our setup.

We cracked the LoRa connectivity:

One crucial insight emerged from our efforts – the importance of antenna height. Just like traditional network infrastructure relies on towering structures to transmit signals effectively, LoRa’s performance hinges on the elevation of signal stations. Armed with this knowledge, we optimized our setups by raising antennas to new heights, significantly improving performance.

What we are building with LoRa :

We’re in the process of developing a water monitoring system using LoRa technology. Ten LoRa-connected devices will transmit data to a central device linked to the network, providing real-time data updates. Small data from these devices can be integrated to get maximum impact cost-effectively.

Use cases of LoRa in IoT:

We see LoRa as more than just a wireless connection – it represents an opportunity to develop cost-effective, scalable solutions with wide-ranging impacts. For example, in some government organisations across countries, LoRa is used for monitoring dustbins across different locations in a 5km range. It is also used for tracking water levels. LoRa’s versatility opened doors to innovative solutions that were once thought impractical.

Breaking the Challenges in Implementing Seamless Data Transfer with LoRa:

Urban environments presented new obstacles, with mobile towers and competing frequencies posing threats to data integrity. We tested it in multiple locations in urban areas but we couldn’t achieve even half a kilometre. When we tested it in an open space, it worked! We realised the impact of these competing frequencies. Antenna placement also plays a crucial role. We devised strategies to overcome these hurdles, leveraging strategic antenna placement to ensure seamless data transmission even in urban interference.

Advantages of LoRa:

LoRa, unlocks a world of possibilities – 

  • It is affordable, we can create ridiculously cheap monitoring systems with Lora 
  • You do not need a LAN or mobile network. LoRA is a free band.
  • It is a resilient communication network, capable of withstanding natural disasters and network outages.

In a world increasingly reliant on connectivity, LoRa is reshaping the future of wireless communication. With its long-range capabilities and cost-effective solutions, it’s not just a technology – it’s a game-changer.


Abinaya Selvam

Firmware Design Engineer, Srushty Global Solutions

Aspiring firmware engineer with thrust deep knowledge in field of electric design development oriented towards research, i emcompass on using advanced and reliable tech for meeting client demands. Always supportive and encouraging lightning performance in all the actions performed.  

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Possibilities are endless with NVIDIA Jetson Orin in Action!

Our engineers are crafting innovative solutions with NVIDIA Jetson Orin, unlocking its immense power to revolutionize diverse applications. 

Here are some interesting use cases where Jetson Orin, robotic arms, CAN protocol communication, and OpenCV image processing converge to redefine the future:

Robotic Arms with Precision:

Imagine robotic arms in manufacturing plants equipped with Jetson Orin, seamlessly communicating via the CAN protocol. With the unmatched computational capabilities of Jetson Orin and real-time data exchange facilitated by CAN, these robotic arms exhibit unparalleled precision and efficiency in assembly tasks. We have delivered numerous robotic projects involving pick and place robots.

Image Processing Applications:

With OpenCV on Jetson Orin, we’re transforming image-processing landscapes. In document management, Jetson Orin’s processing speed combined with OpenCV’s algorithms ensures swift and accurate document classification, extraction, and storage, streamlining workflows and enhancing productivity.

Food Delivery Reinvented:

Picture this: food delivery drones equipped with Jetson Orin, navigating urban landscapes with precision and safety. With image processing capabilities, these drones effortlessly identify delivery locations, ensuring timely and accurate deliveries. 

PCI Carrier Board Innovation:

With PCI interface in Jetson Orin, we can develop enhanced career boards. From integrating additional sensors for enhanced perception to amplifying connectivity options for seamless data exchange, the possibilities are endless.

Speech AI Applications:

With Jetson Orin’s robust architecture as the foundation, our team is venturing into speech AI applications. From virtual assistants to voice-controlled interfaces, Jetson Orin’s computational accuracy and versatility empower the development of intuitive and responsive AI systems.

This is just a glance of a busy day filled with creative solutions at Srushty!